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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Articles submitted to be published must be inline with:

  1. Must be scholarly original engage an academic discussion of topics in the field of Indonesian Islamic Family Law;
  2. Should be unpublished, and not under review for possible publication in other journals;
  3. May include results of research, surveys, and a review of the book;
  4. Written in English, Arabic, or Bahasa Indonesia;
  5. The article review system using blind review method;
  6. Authors who will publish the first registration article on the journal menu then upload the word-shaped article on the menu available on the website;      
  7. Possible to be edited and corrected by the editors without changing the content.
  8. Written in a sequence consists of a title, name of author, abstract, keywords, content, and bibliography.
  9. The title should be concise and to the point, no more than 14 words;
  10. Abstract written in English and Bahasa Indonesia containing a summary of the article that describes an introduction of article, methods, and conclusions. The abstract is between 200-250 words;
  11. Keywords consist of 4-8 words;
  12. Articles’ length is about 20-25 pages;
  13. Articles must be typed in one-half spaced on A4-paper size, using Times New Roman font, size 12;
  14. Bibliographical reference must be noted in footnote and bibliography according to the Modern Humanities Research Association 3rd


  • When a source is cited for the first time, full information is provided: full name(s) of the author(s), the title of the source in italic, and write into brackets place of publication, publishing company, and date of publication, and then the precise page that is cited.
  • For the following citations of the same source, list the full name(s) of the author(s), two or three words of the title, three full stops and comma, and then the specific page number(s). The word ibid. maybe used, but , and loc.cit. are not. example as follows:
  1. Book: Yusuf al-Qardawi, Zawaj al-Misyar Haqiqatuh wa Hukmuh, (Kairo: Matba’ah al-Madani, 2006), 25.
  2. Translated book: Sayyid Sabiq., Fiqih Sunnah 8, terj. Mohammad Talib, (Bandung: PT. Alma’arif, 1980), 34
  3. bound books: Imam Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Isma’il bin Ibrahim Ibnu al-Mugirah bin Bardazabah al-Bukhari al-Ja’fiyyi, Sahih al-Bukhari, Juz 5, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikri, 2000), 1958.
  4. Articles in BookAl-Fatih Suryadilaga, “Memilih Jodoh”, Dalam Marhumah dan Al-fatih Suryadilaga (ed), Membina Keluarga Mawaddah Warahmah, (Yogyakarta: PSW IAIN dan f.f, 2003), 78
  5. Articles in the EncyclopediaSamsu Rizal Panggaben, “Din, Dunya, dan Dawlah” dalam Ensklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, Vol.5, (Jakarta: PT Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve,, 104
  6. Articles in the JournalTutik Hamidah, “Fatwa MUI Tentang Perkawinan Beda Agama” dalam Jurnal El-Qisth, Vol. 1 No. 2 Maret 2005, (Malang: Fak Syariah UIN Malang, 2005), 54
  7. Articles in Mass MediaZaky, ”Nikah Siri Perspektif KHI”, Kompas, 02 Oktober 2014, 1.
  8. Articles on the InternetWawan Junaidi, “Pengertian Masyarakat,” dalam 05/diakses23-juli 2015
  9. Thesis and DissertationYuni Wulandari, “Studi Komparasi Tentang Ketentuan Ahli Waris dalam Haukum Islam dan Hindu”, (Skripsi--IAIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, 2012), 7-9.
  10. Scripture: al-Qur'an and the GospelAl-Baqarah (2): 16; Perjanjian Baru, Yoh. 20:31.


  1. Book: Yusuf al-Qardawi. Zawaj al-Misyar Haqiqatuh wa Hukmuh, Kairo: Matba’ah al-Madani, 2006.
  2. Translated bookSayyid Sabiq. Fiqih Sunnah 8, terj. Mohammad Talib, Bandung: PT. Alma’arif, 1980.
  3. bound books: Imam Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Isma’il bin Ibrahim Ibnu al-Mugirah bin Bardazabah al-Bukhari al-Ja’fiyyi. Sahih al-Bukhari, Juz 5, Beirut: Dar al-Fikri, 2000.
  4. Articles in BookAl-Fatih Suryadilaga. “Memilih Jodoh”, Dalam Marhumah dan Al-fatih Suryadilaga (ed), Membina Keluarga Mawaddah Warahmah, Yogyakarta: PSW IAIN dan f.f, 2003.
  5. Articles in the EncyclopediaSamsu Rizal Panggaben. “Din, Dunya, dan Dawlah” dalam Ensklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, Vol.5, Jakarta: PT Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve,
  6. Articles in the JournalTutik Hamidah. “Fatwa MUI Tentang Perkawinan Beda Agama” dalam Jurnal El-Qisth, Vol. 1 No. 2 Maret 2005, Malang: Fak Syariah UIN Malang, 2005.
  7. Articles in Mass Media”Nikah Siri Perspektif KHI”, Kompas, 02 Oktober 2014.
  8. Articles on the InternetWawan Junaidi. “Pengertian Masyarakat,” dalam 05/diakses23-juli 2015.
  9. Thesis and DissertationYuni Wulandari, “Studi Komparasi Tentang Ketentuan Ahli Waris dalam Haukum Islam dan Hindu”, Skripsi--IAIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, 2012.

Transliteration Guidelines 

Arabic romanization in Al-Hukama' refers to the transliteration system of Library of Congress (LC) combined with the model of Department of Religious Affairs of Indonesia which based on Joint Decree Letter between Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Education and Cultural.


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